Can I Run This Violet Wand Indefinitely?
The simple answer is, see the information on your model of Violet Wand. However you should exercise common sense in playing with your wand, whatever model of wand it is.
Traditional Violet Wands should be allowed to cool if they get warm in the hand.
This will happen much faster if you run a wand at high power. Running a wand at high power all the time is like revving your car engine on high. Wands have control knobs for a reason – use them.
Vary your play; sometimes lower, sometimes higher. Set it down now and then and do something else. Unplug when not in use and do not allow to remain plugged in and not running. Traditional Violet Wands are ‘heavy duty’ and made for harder players, but treat it with care and it will last you much longer.
Electronic Violet Wands are lighter duty than traditional wands.
While they can run indefinitely without a forced break because they do not have the heat build up that traditional wands have, they can still be overloaded by running on high all the time.
Electronic Violet Wands should not be used as hard as a traditional wand so you should let them rest more. Run them at medium power for most of your play, and run at high power for shorter periods of time.
Like any appliance, taking care of your wand and getting the most out of it means treating it with care.
And, knowing your play style is important. If you push hard, are a heavy player and go for the hard and fast, get a traditional wand.
If you are a lighter player and are fine with the low and slow and you aren’t out to break any records or push limits, then an electronic wand could be what fits you best.