Using Your Violet Wand Branding Electrode:
Branding with the Violet Wand is indeed quite possible, and produces beautiful temporary or permanent brands. Yet, for a long while this technique was not commonplace.
Thankfully, more people now realize how easy it is to do a Violet Wand brand!
The action of the Violet Wand’s electrical output and ozone sterilizes the area as you make the brand, but you may develop infection later if your skin has opened.
If the fluid is yellow, green or off color, if it has an odor, or if the excretion continues for an extended amount of time, it is advisable to contact a medical professional for infection. The above contents should not be construed as medical advice.
The Brand Made With a Violet Wand Is Not As Immediately Painful as a Regular Brand.
But, it can be more intense than other forms of brands, leading to more endorphins, due to the fact that Violet Wand brands take longer to complete. The endorphins build over the time spent branding.
Branding with the Violet Wand is a fairly simple process. It is done in a rather similar fashion as to Hyfrecator branding, where small amounts of electricity are used to cauterize the skin and hence form a brand.
Violet Wand Branding Is the Use of a High Concentration of the Violet Wands Energy.
Focused in as narrow a band as possible by using the branding electrode.
The branding electrode has a tungsten filament tip which produces the hottest spark possible by concentrating all the Violet Wand charge down into a very small area the size of the tungsten tip.
When you do a brand please keep in mind that you are intentionally burning the individual.
In Regular Branding You Must Use Caution As To Not Go to Deep.
However, with a Violet Wand brand this is not a concern.
It is best to only do Violet Wand branding on individuals that are familiar with the Violet Wand.
The shocking feel and sounds a Violet Wand makes can be surprising, and may cause the individual to jerk and an inopportune time, ruining your design.
Use the general cautions that you normally use with the Violet Wand.
- Clean the area where you intend to do the brand and allow to dry thoroughly.
- Transfer the pattern you wish to brand directly onto the skin, this may be done free hand with an eyebrow pencil, tatoo pen, or by the use of transfer paper. A good technique is to copy the pattern onto mimeograph paper, cover the area with a thin layer of Aquaphor or similar, then press the transfer onto the skin, take the Aquaphor again and rub across the transfer. Once it is completely saturated gently remove the transfer. If any lines did not get transferred completely you may wish to use a tattoo pen to fill in the spaces.
- Sanitize your branding electrode in alcohol and allow it to dry thoroughly. You can remove the plastic insulator cover from the branding electrode and rinse in alcohol and air dry separately so that the air can dry inside the insulator cap. You must allow it to dry thoroughly, or the spark from a Violet Wand will ignite the alcohol.
- Do not stretch the skin when you are doing a branding, it may make the brand turn out lop sided or misshaped. This is especially important with the fine-lines in Violet Wand branding.
- You will want to start the brand at the top, if the brand is intricate or you are going for a permanent brand you may need to do the brand in more than one session, or at least allow the victim a short break in between sessions.
- Try and maintain a constant gap between the subject and the instrument; this will result in a uniform application of the wand. You will probably have to go over the brand several times to get the desired effect. The number of times you go over the design is directly proportionate to the depth of the burn. Normally a brand such as this will last between 1 and 6 weeks depending on the number of times you go over the brand. The more passes you make, the longer the brand will last. Making one pass for a fetish event will make a temporary brand. Repeating your sessions at several intervals over a few weeks will make your brand semi-permanent. For a permanent brand, you may have to refresh your design periodically.
- After you have finished the brand gently clean the area with a mild anti-bacterial or anti-microbial soap and place sterile gauze over the brand, securing it in place with paper tape, do not bind the area too tightly. Getting a good brand is a combination of the skill of the artist and his or her tools, and the genetics of the subject. Individuals with different skin tones and genetics tend to scar or keloid differently. Proper after care is important.
After Care:
- After you remove the original gauze, clean the area with mild anti-bacterial soap and cover with anti bacterial ointment. If your brand is a one-pass temporary brand, just enjoy the brand for several hours to a week or two depending upon your genetics. If you are going for a permanent brand and it is getting deep, cover with a sterile dressing for 48 hours after working on it.
- To keep the intricacy of a Violet Wand brand, do not pick scabs or use hydrogen peroxide. A Violet Wand brand can be very intricate, and you don’t want to lose the details in your designs.
- Be careful and gentle. Many individuals familiar with regular branding, may want a brand to get irritated in order to produce a more impressive scar. With a Violet Wand brand, these will broaden and deepen the scar as well, but doing this will muddy your Violet Wand design. If you’re doing a Violet Wand brand you want the intricate lines.
- Don’t use irritants. You can intensify your scar just by making more passes with the Violet Wand until its exactly how you want it.
- The smell of burning flesh can be the most distracting part, but it is far less so than with regular branding. Some individuals prefer to have the subject to shave the area, to help cut down on the burning hair odor. You can counteract the small odor caused by Violet Wand branding by burning pleasant incense or a scented candle.
- Infection is highly unlikely for a Violet Wand brand, but your brand may excrete a clear fluid, for at least the first two to three days. If concerned, please seek the attention of a medical professional.